Wednesday, December 12, 2007
If You Vote. . . . .
How many times have you voted for someone just because you saw a campaign commercial that you liked about that candidate? How many times have you voted simply for a party?
I encourage you to do a little bit of research. If you plan on voting don't go to the polls uniformed. Take the time to research the candidates. Don't just look at their websites but look at things like blogs about the candidate both for and against. Look at their websites of course. Do a search and find out what kinds of bills this candidate has voted to support or not support in Congress. A candidates votes in Congress tells you where he or she really stands. If they are wishy washy in their votes then chances are they will be wishy washy in their campaign. Look for a candidate that CONSISTENTLY supports the issues that you believe in most. This is a democracy and it's all about what the majority wants. People think their vote doesn't matter but it does. People getting out and voting gives you a voice. However your voice doesn't have much of an effect if you don't vote in an informed manner!
Ok that's my lil soap box for the day.
Have great day!
Monday, December 10, 2007
A very stressed college girl
Sunday, December 9, 2007
"My faith is my life - it defines me. I don't separate my faith from my personal and professional lives. "
The above is a quote from Mike Huckabee and I love it. He gives his faith a very important part of his life just like I do. However Huckabee realizes that while faith is important you can't expect the government to always endorse "faith backed" policies. He realizes that
"The First Amendment requires that expressions of faith be neither prohibited nor preferred. "
The folowing are three points that Huckabee makes about faith.
"Real faith makes us more humble and mindful, not of the faults of others, but of our own. It makes us less judgmental, as we see others with the same frailties we have.
Faith gives us strength in the face of injustice and motivates us to do our best for "the least of us."
Our nation was birthed in a spirit of faith - not a prescriptive faith telling us how or whether to believe, but acknowledging a providence that pervades our world."
Huckabee's views on faith make me feel very strongly that he has what it takes to lead our country.
Mike says "Our true strength comes from our families"
There are two issues that Mike Huckabee focuses on that really focus on family. One is the sanctity of life. To put it in a nutshell Huckabee supports the sanctity of life and believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned. Mike applauds the U.S. Supreme courts decision to ban partial birth abortions. Abortion is where he got his political start by helping to pass Arkansas' unborn Child Ammendment. As governor he did a lot to pass pro-life laws and ammendments as well as other things that improve the quality of life for our children. He is also opposed to embryonic stem cell research.
The second issue that deals with family is the issue of marriage. For several years now there has been a debate going on about the definition of marriage and whether or not we should constitutionally define marriage. Mike says this about the subject. "I support and have consistently supported passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. " I suggest going to the following link to read more about Mikes views on marriage
Freedom is a word that is often hard to define. What issues might show Mike Huckabee's commitment to America's freedom? Here are some that I think you should pay attention to.
Mike's "Secure America Plan" This is a 9-Point Strategy for Immigration Enforcement and Border Security. Illegal Immigration can and will be a threat to our freedoms if we do not do something about it. Mike is prepared to work on this area.
Mike supports your second ammendment rights and will protect that right which is a freedom laid out in our constitution.
Mikes views on foreign policy especially dealing with the War on Terror and Iraq prove that he is dedicated ot keeping terrorism out of America and insuring our freedom at home. To go into everything that he supports and doesn't support would take a while to type out so I suggest going to the following links to find out more about these very important issues.
Mike Huckabee is in my opinion the ideal candidate for president as he values what America values most. . . . .FATIH FAMILY FREEDOM.

Friday, December 7, 2007
Windshields for Huckabee!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I Like Mike!
As we all know in the next few weeks we will figure out who the final candidates for president will be. My support goes to the Republicans (naturally). My favorite candidate?

I'll tell ya a little more about why tomorrow.
Friday, November 23, 2007
One of my many Soap Boxes lol.
For those of you who are sick of getting emails that tell you to forward it to at least X number of people in the next 15 minutes so that wonderful things and miracles will happen if you do, or there will be serious consequences if you don't, watch this video. (click here)
Hope y'all enjoy it!!!!!
Thanksgiving Thoughts
I got to spend the day with the most wonderful guy in the world. He came to the house at about 8:00 am and we went to his moms house. It was so nice to get to meet some of his family. After we ate at his moms house we came back to my sisters place where 15 other family members awaited us. It was loud but it was fun! Jerald didn't leave until after midnight so it was nice to be able to spend the entire day with him! It could be a while before we get to spend time together like that because finals are coming up in a couple weeks and I have lots of homework and projects to work on.
Anyway on to the point of this blog. I have so much to be Thankful for and I just wanted to share some of the things I am thankful for with you all.
- The Holy Ghost. (I'm so glad that I know the truth and that I can share it with others)
- My Family. (My family lifts me up and encourages me when they aren't teasing me mercilessly lol)
- My church family. (I can always count on an encouraging word from someone in the church.)
- Jerald. (Yes sweetheart I'm thankful for you. You are the most wonderful thing that has happened to me besides Jesus.)
- The Chance for an Education. (At the beginning of the summer I wasn't so sure if I would be able to finish school because of financial aid problems.)
- Chocolate. (No explanation needed).
- The Coffee Bean. (Formerly known as Dad's place and now known as my second home).
- A Car! (I went a whole year without one so it's great to have wheels!).
- The ministry God has called me too. (Being able to do something for God is so awesome!).
- The wreck I had a few years ago. (Odd I know but that wreck turned out to be a good thing and because of it I'm living for God today)
- Music (I think I would die if I couldn't listen to music!)
- Gods healing power. (He healed me of asthma a few years ago and I can't be thankful enough)
A very small list of things I am thankful for. I could honestly go on and on and on and on about all the awesome things God has done for me. I have so much to be thankful for. My pastor used a quote in service the other night that I liked. I don't know if I have it exactly right. I think I may be paraphrasing just a bit but it goes something like this.
If we are only thankful one day a year then we are in trouble.
I want to give thanks every single day for the little things that God has done for me! I hope that you all will remember to be thankful on more than just Thanksgiving.
I love y'all and hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just in Case. . . .I apologize
Love y'all!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Try some research. . . .
Astonishing THIS IS TRULY FREAKY................BUT MAKES SENSE NOW Many of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, almost exactly 60 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies and organizations. However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:
Albert A. Gore, Jr. Hillary Rodham John F. Kerry William J. Clinton Howard Dean Nancy Pelosi Dianne Feinstein Charles E. Schumer Barbara Boxer
See what happens when aliens breed ? Certainly hope this piece of information clears up a lot of things for you.
Now the instant I read this I died laughing. Everyone who knows much about me knows that I am a politics girl and they also know that I am slightly anti-democrat. Therefore I loved this e-mail and I was going to have a little fun with it in a note on facebook. However I decided to do just a little bit of research. Here is what I found out.
The only person on this list born in March of 48 was Al Gore. I have a feeling the e-mail originally started out with just him on the list and someone got the bright idea to "improve" the e-mail by adding a few names to it. Personally I think it would have been just as funny if not funnier with just Al Gore on the list as I am pretty much Anti-Gore more than I am anti democrat lol.
Anyway I just thought I would share with you this one quote. . . "You get more exercise digging for facts than you do jumping to conclusions"
Some people actually believe half of the stuff that comes through their e-mail accounts. As much as I would like to believe every bad or derogatory thing I hear about Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi I'm afraid I can't. . .*sigh* (lol just kidding).
Just a little tip if you get an e-mail and it sounds just a little far fetched chances are it probably is and if you really want to know if something is true or not go to It's a great site that researches these e-mails that get circulated. Just type in the subject of your e-mail into the search box and let snopes do the work. I have found that probably 98% of the forwards I get warning me that licking stamps can kill me and that Senator Obama refuses to quote the pledge of allegiance simply are not true.
If everyone would take two minutes and check the validity of an e-mail before forwarding it, it would cut down on a lot of the junk.
Well that's all for my little tirade hope you all enjoyed it!
And remember to share this blog with at least ten of your friends or you will have 7 years of bad luck LOL I'm just kidding. . .I love you guys!
God Bless
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Lord Prepare Me!
I just felt like sharing with you all what God is doing in my life. He has been so good to me lately and I cannot thank Him enough. Each day I find another small way that he has blessed me. Sometimes it's just a reminder of his grace and how it saved me. Sometimes it's a little note from that special someone he has put in my life. Sometimes it's when he wraps me up in his presence when I'm in prayer and I can just feel his love and mercy all over me.
I hope that you all are having blessed day in the Lord. Continue to keep me in your prayers as I follow the path that God has set for me.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wow I'm sorry it's been so long guys!
God has been good to me these past few months and He is drawing me closer to him everyday. Lately he has been opening the doors for me to witness to people on my campus and it's so awesome! I have been trying to start up a campus ministry and so far I haven't gotten that going yet but I have started a girls Bible study on Tuesday nights and it's been going really good. I'm excited about what God is doing.
Lately I've been driving home to Conway almost every weekend because I have met someone very special that goes to school up there. God is also working in that situation. Niether of us were really searching for anyone and it's like God just brought us together. I'm very exctied about what God is doing in our lives together and I can't wait to see where this road will lead us!
On top all this wonderful stuff I am taking 15 hours of classes and I'm working two on campus jobs so pretty much all my time has been consumed and I haven't had much internet time. . . .although I still have somehow managed to find time to check my e-mail and my facebook at least twice a day lol!
Anyway I just wanted to tell you all a little about my wonderful life. Things are going really good right now and I give all the credit to Jesus! I love you Jesus!
I hope that you all are doing well leave a comment and let me know!
Love you guys
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Yeah, yeah I know I just posted. . .,2933,302496,00.html
Some people think that everyone in our country wants to "get rid of" God but this article proves them wrong.
Yay Coffee!
Love you guys
Monday, October 15, 2007
Coffee, Coffee, I need Coffee!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The most powerful word in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen when I say the name of Jesus guess what? Things are going to happen. It is a guaranteed thing. The only thing that happens when someone says the f word is it makes a lot of people uncomfortable and mad. The f word my friend never healed anyone of cancer or asthma. However I am living proof that saying the name of Jesus can do that. I once suffered from asthma I was on 6 medications and had to go to the hospital occasionally but you know what all it took to get rid of that asthma was the name of Jesus. That's right someone prayed for me and simply said something along the lines of "in the name of JESUS I command this asthma to leave" The name of Jesus strikes fear in the devil the f word can't do that. The f word doesn't save a soul from a sin sick world. . .my bible says that there is no salvation in any other name but the name of JESUS (Acts 4:12).
The Bible also says. . . In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:17-18)
I would like to see someone saying the f word do any of this.
When Peter was headed to the church to pray he met a lame man sitting by the gate instead of giving him silver and gold what did he do? He took him by the hand and said "In the name of JESUS" rise up and walk.
Forgive me if this comes across as rude or harsh or offensive, but if the f word is the most powerful word in the world why didn't Peter look at the man and say get the f up and walk?
Ok. . .ok I know that word wasn't around back in those days but do you see my point?
Jesus has always been and will forever continue to be the most powerful word/name/person in the world and I'm so glad he is in my life. I know that anytime I'm in trouble all I have to do is speak the name of Jesus and he comes running to my rescue.
Ok I'm done ranting now
I love you guys
have a blessed day!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Criminals of the Week. . .sad. . really it is.
Criminal of the week #1:
Criminal of the week #2:
Criminal of the week #3
Just thought y'all may enjoy some of the humorous news for the week. . . .enjoy!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Prayer request
If any of you have any experience in campus ministry feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with me as I am open to all the advice and ideas I can get my hands on.
Thanks so much for your prayers and support.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Awesome video
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Today's "big" headline. . . . . .
Friday, August 31, 2007
Did You Miss Me????

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I'm back!
Love y'all!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Going away.
Friday, August 3, 2007
God is Good!!!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Financial Aid Update. . . .I'm not real happy
Well thats dumb if it weren't going to hinder me in continuing my college education I wouldn't be fighting this tooth and nail!
Sorry guys but I'm a little more than upset right now. We just have to keep praying that something will change. I just got through writing a letter to the chancellor of my school and I thought I would share some of it with y'all so that you could see what I am dealing with and see if you think I have a valid argument.
Dr. Lassiter,
I know that you sent me to Mr. Jones but he was unable to help me. I realize that you are out of the office until Wednesday but I decided to write this letter anyway. I’m sure you know the rules that are in place but just so that there is no confusion I have included some of the rules on dependency status in this e-mail. I hope that by the time you finish reading this you will agree with me that some of these rules need to change. I know that you don’t make the rules but I’m sure you know where to go to make a difference.
Currently the rules state that seven questions must be answered to determine the dependency status of a college student. The seven questions are as follows.
1. Was the student 24 years old on or before December 31st of the most recently completed calendar year?
2. At the beginning of the Award year will the student be enrolled in a Masters or Doctorate program?
3. As of the date the FAFSA is completed is the student married?
4. Does the student have children who receive more than half their support from the student?
5. Does the student have dependents other than his or her spouse or children who live with the student, and who will receive more than half of their support from the student, from the date the FAFSA is completed until the end of the Award Year?
6. Are both of the student's parents deceased, or is/was the student a ward/dependent of the court until the age of 18?
7. Is the student a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?
If the student answers yes to one or more of the following he or she is considered independent and therefore is not required to present his or her parents tax and income information when applying for financial aid.
There are some conditions which allow financial aid offices to override the dependency status rules. However those rules are never clearly laid out the only thing that is ever stated is that extreme cases will be considered for this. What qualifies as an extreme case?
There are four regulations currently in place that state when dependency status cannot be overridden. They are as follows.
Parents refusing to contribute to the student’s education;
Parents unwilling to provide information on the application or verification;
Parents not claiming the student as a dependent for income tax purposes;
Student demonstrating total self-sufficiency.
I laugh every time I read those four regulations especially the last one. To be independent means to be self sufficient these rules and regulations are very contradictory. It is not right to make a student suffer because parents are not helpful. It is my opinion that if a student can demonstrate self sufficiency he or she should be allowed to be considered an independent. I have not lived with my parents since I was 14 years old. I have seen my dad once in 10 years. I moved out of my mothers house at 14 because there were some things going on that I did not want to be around . Now because of the fact that a year ago she remarried I am losing all of my financial aid because I don’t fall into one of the tidy categories that congress has said makes me an independent. This needs to change. I should not be punished for something I have no control over. I’m attempting to be the first person in my family to graduate college and these guidelines are making things very difficult. I realize that you have rules to follow but there has to be something that can be done. Basically the law says this. . . .
I am old enough to drink, smoke, gamble, have a job, pay my own bills, live in my own house, pay taxes get married and have kids and a whole list of other things but yet I’m still not considered independent from my parents does this seem odd to you? It does to me.
The following comes from the FAFSA website and discusses the difference between a dependent and an independent student.
“In the federal government's eyes, all students are considered primarily responsible for funding their higher education. But the government also recognizes that most parents contribute financially on some level. Parents provide assistance whether they've been saving for years to fund their child's degree or simply provide housing while their children study.
Taking this into account, the federal government applies two different standards for students, one for dependent students and one for independent students. Dependent students are assumed to have parental support while independent students are not. The result: Independent students might qualify for more aid.”
The second to last sentence says “Dependent students are assumed to have parental support while independent students are not” I do not have parental support and I can prove it so shouldn’t I be considered independent?
Please forgive me if this e-mail comes across as rude that is not my intentions. I am simply trying to let people know that there is a problem with our system and something needs to be done to make some changes.
I’m not the type to give up easily Dr. Lassiter and if you tell me rules are rules and there is nothing that can be done I’ll simply go up the ladder until I find someone that will listen to me. I’ve worked too hard to simply walk away from my college education now. I’ve even been in contact with Senator Lincolns office in hopes that maybe they can do something for me.
I guess the whole point of this e-mail is to simply ask you to look into things yourself and see what can be done to change some things.
Thank you for taking the time to read this I hope you don’t see me as rude.
Yvonne Hinshaw
So I'm basically just waiting now hoping that I can make these people realize how contradictory and stupid some of these rules are that they have in place. Just remember to keep this situation in your prayers when you pray.
Monday, July 30, 2007
More Poetry. . .
I hope that y'all enjoy it!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Happy Anniversary Mom and Jerry!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Please Pray. . . .
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Music. . . .A Universal Language

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Let me cover you child and set you free
Instead of listening I turned up the music of life
I was happy where I was to heed the voice would bring strife
It’s the blood that is flowing from Calvary
I watch as it trickles from the cross to the ground.
I turn to run and get away from the sound
But the blood continued calling everyday
You need this my child you can’t live without blood
Let life flow through you from the crimson flood
But the blood cried louder it began to shout
You can’t silence me no matter how strong your will
The louder you get I’ll get louder still
For the blood will be your strength in everything you do
Without my blood you will spiritually die
Just let me cover you I heard the blood cry
I heard a voice whisper I have the strength that you seek
I turned to look and there was the blood
I knew I couldn’t outrun Calvary’s flood
Let it cover every sin every wrong
I’m tired of running and tired of seeking
I heard a voice say hush when the blood is speaking
Sunday, July 22, 2007
A few pictures as promised
The great escape

Singing in Old Town
Friday, July 20, 2007
God Said it. . .I believe it. So Why Are We Constantly Looking For an Explanation?

Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Life as A College Student





Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Random Questions for My Random Blog. . .How Perfect!
Twenty-two Days and Counting
YAY! A Real Blog!!!
I don't know exactly what all I will write here probably a little bit of everything. I thought about posting some of the things I've written as far as poetry goes. Yes I love to write poetry. I'll also talk a lot about music on here. Music is my passion. I am always on the look out for some cool new song that I can sing or maybe use in one of my drama pieces that I love to do. I don't just limit my musical tastes to one genre either. I love everything from smooth jazz to opera to Southern Gospel and yes I even like some soft rock. I am a little strange but I also like the sounds of some of the celtic music. I am very eclectic in my music tastes. Anyway I'm sure most of you reading this know me so I'm not going to do the whole tell you all about myself routine. Check out my profile if you really want to know.
Thats all for now! Remember don't do anything I wouldn't do and if you do don't name it after me!