Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today's "big" headline. . . . . .

I am a news freak. . .I have as my home page so that everytime I get online I can see the headlines. I am in love with my school at the moment because they give us free copies of the new york times and I can usually snag a copy of the Democrat Gazette (the AR paper) from someone at least once a week. Today however the news disgusted me. Normally when you think headlines and front page news you think of something big like the War in Iraq or maybe something big that happened in the area. Today's headline was this. . . . ."she-male" leads prisoners in dance. For some reason cnn felt that a transexual meth dealer teaching prisoners houw to dance was more news worthy than the news on China and whether or not they hacked into the Pentagon! I don't understand this. Anyway just thought I would share that with y'all. I'm suppose to be doing homework not reading the news but I saw that an had to write about it.

1 comment:

Jolene Harris said...

You have a right to be disgusted. I think I'm gonna be hurl!!! There are much more important things in life to discuss on the news than this trash.
love, your now sick aunt Jolene

My Trip to Scotland!