Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Prayer request

Hey everybody I'm writing this to ask you all to pray for something with me. I am attempting to launch an on campus Student Ministry called Apostolic Student Union. I am working with a limited amount of people and a limited amount of resources. We want to become a recognized organization of the University because that will allow us to reach more people on this campus. Please pray with me that if it is God's will for me to get this organization going he will open all the right doors. I have a burning desire to reach my campus and be a shining light for all of them to see.

If any of you have any experience in campus ministry feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with me as I am open to all the advice and ideas I can get my hands on.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.



Jana Allard said...

I will pray.

Jolene Harris said...

I am praying for you bonzi. Love you lots
aunt jo jo

My Trip to Scotland!