Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's decisions regarding international abortion funding.

Yes folks I'm waxing political once again. It's been awhile since I've done that here and I know you all have just missed it so much! I'm actually a few days late on this topic but I have been dealing with other more important stuff in life. I also needed some time to decide what I thought of the whole situation. I know all you right wing republicans are saying, what's to decide? The man just proclaimed his stance on abortion very loud and clear and so of course as a good republican I should frown and say "bad president!" Or should I?

First of all I do not support abortion. I don't believe a woman should ever have an abortion. For one that is the Christian way to believe. For another I love babies!

Now here is the thing: yeah I don't like that he did it however you have to keep in mind the funding ban that was lifted does not directly fund international abortions. We can't fund international abortions because of a totally seperate law so there is no need to start pointing fingers and calling our president a baby killer. Secondly I truly think that Obama thinks abortion is wrong (call me crazy if you want). He has stated that he would like to see the number of abortions go down. I think he just has a general liberals view on the issue. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE! He basically is saying you know what abortion is legal therefore we need to leave it up to the people. Yes I know we as Christians feel that abortion is murder. I agree whole heartedly one hundred percent. Unfortunately there is this little thing called seperation of church and state and we can't make something illegal just because it's the christian thing to do. It's the same as many other sins such as smoking, drinking, pre-marital sex and that sort of thing. We as Christians feel that all of that is wrong but we know that none of it will be made illegal just because of our Christian views. Smokers have restrictions because of the surgeon general. Drinking has an age limit for safety reasons. Even sex has a few legal regulations. Guess what so does abortion. There are certain types of abortion that just can't happen. There are rules that have to be followed so as not to endanger the health of the mother.

NO I am NOT a pro-choice advocate at all. I'm again playing devils advocate like I enjoy doing. I am a member of the national right to life organization. Once again I LOVE BABIES! I just don't think we should be so shocked and appalled at Obama's decision. I mean after-all Clintion did the same exact thing his first few days in office. It's kind of expected of a president from the Democratic party. When we get a Republican president again the ban will once again be reinstated. It's kind of like a game the two parties play with each other.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I stink at this game . . .

Sorry guys! I stink at keeping up with my blogging. I'm happy to report I made it through the first week of classes! I am also uber excited because I'm taking a very light semester. I've had like 3 in a row that almost killed me so I'm ready for a nice n easy one! I'm only taking 13 hours and 4 of those are my trips to London and Washington (I don't know if I can handle all that work!!). I'm pretty excited about this semester and this year. I know that things are going to be totally awesome!

This coming weekend I get to travel with my sister. I love my sister she is pretty much one of my hero's but we dont get to spend a lot of time together so it will be cool to have her all to myself for a couple of days!!! We are traveling to Denton Texas to check out University of North Texas. I am super interested in their PhD program in political science. I've talked to several staff members from there and they are all really friendly which is a huge plus. A lot of times you try and talk to teachers (especially the PhD types) and they act like they are too intelligent to pay attention to the dumb undergrad from Arkansas.

I'm truly blessed to be at a small school where the teachers have the time to focus on me and my education and I'm not just a 9 digit Student ID number to them. I've pretty much adopted Dr. Strong as my advisor and she is helping me work on getting ready for Graduate school. I love that woman she is another one of my heros! She takes the time to not only make sure I'm learning something from her classes but to make sure that I'm ok in general. If she thinks I'm having a bad day she lets me just hang out in her office and ramble on about how crappy my day has been it's pretty stinkin AWESOME!

Ok I'm done rambling now!!

Talk to y'all later

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Maybe healthy isn't so bad afterall . . .

First of all I apologize for not blogging lately. I just haven't gotten around to it!

Over Christmas break I went over a week without drinking any caffiene I was so proud of myself! I then started drinking it again but not a 2 liter a day like I was doing. Then last week I did a lot of cooking with friends and I discovered that *GASP* I like a few veggies. I even ate MUSHROOMS!!! I ate carrots and peas and greenbeans too! When I came back to school I have had several people tell me I look like I've lost weight. Hmmmmm maybe healthy isn't so bad after all!!

My Trip to Scotland!