Friday, July 20, 2007

God Said it. . .I believe it. So Why Are We Constantly Looking For an Explanation?

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Sport of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God SAID, Let there be light: and there was light." Genesis 1:1-3

This is very familiar scripture right? I knew you would think so :)

I was recently having a conversation with someone who thought that the Big Bang Theory is how God created the earth. I don't have time to explain the theory so for those of you who don't know what it is check out this website if you're really interested. . He said that this had to be how God did it otherwise why would God have rested on the 7th day. To him there would be no need to rest if all he did was speak it into existence. I of course do not agree with him. For one thing if the Big Bang Theory were true it would have taken much longer than seven days for the earth to be created. According to the Big Bang Theory it took a long time for the earth to become an inhabitable place. As for why God rested I think he was just taking a day to enjoy his handy work I mean when you do something good don't you like to take a minute to step back and admire your work? I know I do. Now perhaps that is vain of me but I don't think so.

Now on to the whole point of this blog. The Bible says that God said this or God said that and it was so. Why is it that people even those of us that are christians have a hard time excepting the fact that God just spoke it into existence? So many times even without realizing we are doing it we look for ways to explain how God did it. It's simple really there is so much power in Gods words that something has to happen when he speaks. Think about the story of the disciples and Jesus out on the sea. It didn't take him a long time to calm the waves he simply spoke and the waves obeyed him. We need to stop trying to explain God and simply accept the powerfullness of his voice.

There's a song that I believe says. . If God Said it I belive it and that's all that faith demands. (Don't kill me if I have the words wrong please).

So actually I guess you could say I do believe the big bang theory. . . .God said it and BANG it happend :)

Until next time.


Jolene Harris said...

Yvonne, I agree with you. People do take the most simple facts and turn them into such confusing explanations. I am like you, when I do something I am proud of or that turns out really well (in my opinion), then I too like to stand back and take a long look at it and admire what I was able to put together. I even like to stand back and check out and admire things that others have managed to do as well. So why not God? I had never thought of it that way but since you brought it up, yeah, I can totally see Him on the 7th day just kicking back admiring His beautiful creation. Great Thought! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Your so good!

My Trip to Scotland!