I've always thought that the presidential race this year would come down to each candidates pick for VP. Now that both candidates have made their choices I am in utter and complete shock. Neither candidate picked a VP running mate that was on the media short lists that are speculated about. Based on these shocking choices I have come to the conclusion that Obama and McCain really don't want the presidency and we should all vote for Bob Barr. I'm kidding I'm kidding but seriously I'm afraid that both parties made poor choices in their running mates.
Barrack Obama chose Joe Biden. Many of you are scratching your heads and saying who?? My point exactly up until the primarys no one knew who Joe Biden was and because he dropped out of the race so early in the primaries no one really knows who he is. If you watched the debates it was obvious that Biden knew he didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the nomination so why in the world would Barrack pick him? I personally was rooting for Bill Richardson to get the job.
McCain chose Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. Again you're saying who? Unless you keep up with politics and government chances are you've never even heard of her. People talk about what a great job Palin has done in Alaska. Apparently she has awesome approval ratings in Alaska. My response to that is so what? Alaska has a population of 670,000 that is less than 1/4 of a percent of the population of the United States. That's right not even 1 percent!! I guarantee you she doesn't have 100% approval ratings either. She's served as Governor for less than two years! That is less experience than Barack Obama!! I suppose that time will tell all the elections are a little over 2 months away I'm sure we'll be learning a whole lot more about Mr. Biden and Mrs. Palin in the very near future.
I guess my whole point is WHAT WERE THEY THINKING????
The Postal Service could be Trump's next casualty
President Donald Trump is making plans to gut the United States Postal
Service and absorb the agency into his administration, according to several
57 minutes ago