Wow three blogs in a row I'm on a roll today! lol. Really it's just pure boredom at work. Anyway I was thinking about the whole independence thing and about the fact that I want to go to Conway tonight instead of having Jerald meet me in PB. Well my first reason is I really want to attend a youth service that is being held in Conway tonight. I really feel like I need church tonight since I didn't get to go wednesday. Secondly it would be cheaper on Jerald but not much cheaper on me either way I go with it. Those two reasons were the only ones that I had in mind when I first brought up the idea of me going to Conway instead oh and wanting to see my family (as bad as I hate to admit it I actually miss them from time to time). Anyway on with the story. I didn't write about it but my car broke down and has been in the shop for almost 2 weeks now. Anyone that really knows me knows that my car is my LIFELINE! I HATE and I mean HATE having to ask someone to take me somewhere. So when I got stranded in PB I thought I was going to die and it got even worse when we found out how much it was going to cost us to fix the darn thing. Well I thought I was suppose to be getting my car back yesterday but alas the lady called me and said "there's a problem with your car we seem to have ordered the wrong part" In my mind I was thinking WHAT!!!!!!! This cannot be happening!!!!! I was just fixing to launch in to a tirade about their incompetance or some such thing when the lady finished her statement. "We have a loaner for you" Whew!!! I thought to myself lady you better be glad you said that. Not that it was the womans fault but I would have had to have released my anger onto someone and she the poor innocent soul that she is would have been the closest target. Anyway what does this have to do with the fact that I want to go to Conway tonight? IT"S A 2+ Hour DRIVE!!!!! I am soo excited to actually get to do some real driving again I have so missed my car!!!!
I think I may have slightly dissapointed Jerald and I hate that but I NEED this drive. I know that's weird and wacky and crazy of me but anyway on to the main point that i'm trying to make. Is this or is this not a case of independence being a bad thing? I don't think so but you tell me and be honest.
Why are conservatives so eager to play fashion police?
*Explaining the Right** is a weekly series that looks at what the right
wing is currently obsessing over, how it influences politics—and why you
need to ...
1 hour ago
Hey, Yvonne!
I know how it is to NOT have a car. I also HATE asking people for rides. I feel helpless and very annoying. I had to do that alot when I was younger, and give thanks to God EVERYDAY for allowing me to have my own set of wheels!
I'm gonna do my best to actually start leaving comments on your blog! I'm so lazy!
I thought you might be interested in our new Huckabee video, "A Call to Texans." You can view it here:
Please pass this on to anyone you know in Texas.
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