Well today I am in the mood to blog. I'm sitting at work bored out of mind and searching for something profound to say that will wow my few faithful readers and yet I seem to be pulling a blank. So alas you are stuck with my mundane ramblings about work and school. I've been attempting the blog about my nieces singing but I seem to be having troubles with the video. I'm going to try again tonight when if I get the opportunity to get on my sisters connection. I dont know if I'll be in Conway tonight or not. I'm waiting on Jerald to get back to me on whether we are keeping our original plans of meeting in PB (Pine Bluff for you non-arkansans) or if I am going to come to Conway so we can attend a youth service there. I'll let you know how that turns out (as if you really care about these minut details of my life). It's so fun to pretend that there is a world of people out there reading this thing and nodding their heads going wow very interesting I like this girl. It is quite obvious however that I live in the world of fantasy as you can look at my counter and see the stark reality of things. I've only had a little over 1500 hits on this thing since I started it back in July of '07 and a few of those were probably me checking my counter lol. Not that I'm complaining I absolutely adore those of you that read my blog even though you tend to do so in silence. I would greatly appreciate a comment now and then just to remind me that I am loved. *sigh* I'm going to start feeling unloved and unwanted and then that will lead to major depression and the need for me to receive mental health care and all sorts of other nasty things and we don't want that to happen now do we? So C'mon people be a jewel and comment on my blog even if you wish to such derogatory things as "you suck dirt like a hoover" or "I really wish you would give up this pointless blog" At least that way I'll know you're actually reading!! Ok ok enough with the guilt trip I really don't blog to give you guys something enjoyable to read I blog as an out let. My computer is a captive audience and therefore must listen to me anytime I want it to.
Wow this blog really was quite pointless wasn't it? Oh well it was fun and allowed a few minutes of this boring work day pass.
I love you guys
Thanks for putting up with my endless rantings and ramblings
Why are conservatives so eager to play fashion police?
*Explaining the Right** is a weekly series that looks at what the right
wing is currently obsessing over, how it influences politics—and why you
need to ...
1 hour ago
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