Ok it's almost 5AM and I have been studying ALLLLLL night. That's right I haven't gone to sleep yet. I'm still not sure if I understand the corrolation between the Roosevelt Corollary and The Monroe Doctrine but I have pages of notes on it so maybe I'll remember enough of it to at least fake my through 3 essays and 5 or 6 short answers. I also have to remember exactly how America's Foreign Policy stances changed from the start of the 7 years war (pre revolution) to the end of WWII. That my friends is a LOT of information. 151 textbook pages of information to be exact. Along with about 20 pages of notes and some internet resources. THANK GOD Dr. Strong is letting us use 2 large notecards with information on them. I learned to wrtie VERY SMALL! Anyway amazingly enough I am not yet sleepy. Why is that you ask? Well that's because around 1 am I was getting sleepy and so I drank one of those little berry flavored B vitamen energy shots called "5 Hour Energy". I think I can safely say it worked! I felt whats called a niacin flush but so far that's the only adverse side affect and it only lasted a couple minutes. Not only have I gotten all my studying done but I managed to write two people up in one night. I am so on a roll! Not that I really enjoy writing people up they shouldn't a been breakin the rules! Anyway I'm going to go hop in the shower and read over my American Foreign Policy notes one more time to make sure I have it all down. Wish me luck and if you ever need a boost to stay awake for a few hours longer than you normally do try 5 hour energy you can find it in the vitamin section of Wal-mart or Walgreens!

I need to get me some of this!! :) I'm a full time student, too... and I can't seem to stay awake long enough to finish a paper!!
Well it worked great for me! I read lots of customer reviews on it too and there were very few bad reviews and lots of good reviews.
It has 8,333% of vitamin B12!!! GOOD GRIEF!! Oh and when my professors allowed notecards, I'd type everything up on the computer in point 8 (or less) font and then use a glue stick to attach the notes! oooohh yeah!
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