Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Video Blog

Sorry I accidentally stopped recording about 2 seconds too soon!

Daily Journal

Hey guys!!

I found a way to make sure that you all get a daily update on my trip to london. I have to keep a daily journal since this trip is technically a class. I've decided to do it in the form of a blog. I wanted to keep it seperate from this blog so I created a new one. Yvonne Goes to London, will be my daily account of everything that goes on while I'm London. This way at the end of the trip all I have to do is send the link to my professor! This also insures that you guys get a glimpse of my trip to London!

Love you guys!!!!


Friday, May 15, 2009

High Tea and Castles

Yay! I'm so excited. I leave for london in less than 48 hours! I can't wait. I probably wont be doing the whole high tea thing because it's crazy expensive but I will see lots of castles!!! I'll be "trying" to post pictures here every day but I make no promises. You may just have to wait until I get back! I'll be gone until the 26th :) I'm all packed and ready to go! I'm heading to Conway tomorrow and from there I'll go to the airport on Sunday.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pondering . . .

I like Adam Lambert. I really want him to win American Idol. I like Kris Allen too but I just think that Adam is better. However the other day I was having a conversation with someone about this very thing. He is a Chrisian as I am but he said something to me that kind of upset me. He said and I quote so please forgive the harshness "I can't believe you would support a faggot". I hate that word. Anyway I was a bit upset with him but I didn't say anything. I just started pondering his statement. Adam has never come out and said yes I am gay but he has offered clues to suggest such a thing. He said kissing girls might not be his preference. There are pictures of him making out with guys. So yes there is a good chance that Adam Lambert is gay. The thing that has me perplexed though is how do Christians deal with the homosexual community. We can't deny its existence nor should we participate in that lifestyle. However I don't think that my liking Adams voice is me showing support for his lifestyle choice. I have several gay friends on campus. They all know that I disagree with their lifestyle choices but I still accept them as friends. So because they are gay should I just not associate with them? A better example would be the gay professor that we have on campus. She is an amazing professor but according to my friends logic I shouldn't take her classes and I shouldn't like her teaching because she is gay. I have to say I disagree. But then again according to him I'm a left wing wacko liberal so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

I just don't think its very christian to speak with disgust about someone just because they choose a lifestyle that we disagree with. Yes being gay is wrong no I do not support the gay lifestyle. I just like Adam Lambert and I like really good English teachers and I happen to have gay friends. However I'm very clear on how I feel about the lifestyle. I'm just not rude about it. I believe in the saying, "Hate the sin not the sinner"

Monday, May 4, 2009

One more year . . . I think I can I think I can

I'm feeling horribly trapped and I think that is part of my problem. I have grown to dispise Monticello and I'm so ready to leave. However I have to stick it out for one more year. I think I can, I think I can . . .

That's what I'm going to have to keep saying for the next year. Oh well I'll get a bit of a break and somewhat of a new routine over the next few months. I'm off to London in less than two weeks. YES!!! This summer I'll be working as a summer RA in a different dorm all summer and that will be something new to look forward to.

Anyway I'm going to get back to pretending to work now.

Have a good day.

My Trip to Scotland!