I'm a senior here at UAM and my college career has been so exciting! I've joined a lot of groups, been involved in a lot of things and still kept my grades up. I've made a lot of really awesome friends along the way too. One thing I have never done is join a sorority. It's not because I have something against them in general I just don't think it is something an apostolic young lady should do. Plus I don't think I should have to pay to have friends. I always here stories of apostolics that go off to college and backslide. I'll be honest I was always afraid that I would somehow get sucked into college life and quit living for God but I told God about my fears and he has kept me all this time! I am so happy about that! I'm not perfect by any means I have made MANY mistakes during my college career however one thing I have never done is backed down from what I believe in. I have never questioned whether or not the way I dress is important and I've never questioned the plan of salvation. Because of this I have the respect of many of my non-apostolic friends. They often call me the "cool pentecostal" I'm not bragging at all I'm trying to prove the point that you can live for God and have fun doing it!!!!! So what is it that sparked this blog? I was over the the cafeteria talegating table when I saw a young pentecostal lady sitting with her sorority sisters. The only problem is you could no longer tell that this girl was apostolic. She looked just like her sisters. It broke my heart. You see when you join an organazition such as student goverment or the Residence Hall Association there is not pressure to conform to everyone else in the group instead you are encouraged to be yourself and be differrent. When you join a sorority you become a "pledge" and for 4-6 weeks you are doing everything that your "big sisters" are telling you to do. You have to go through a process to pledge and that process turns you into the type of girl that sorority's are looking for. This is not to say that they are looking for "bad" people to be in their groups but there is a pressure to be "cool" and according to that group cool only looks a certain way. They tell you upfront that their group doesn't discriminate on the basis of race or religion but when you join they pressure you to be just like everyone else. "Come on" they say "all your sisters have their hair cut that way" Or "all of us are going to a party do you want to come?" Or my personal favorite "I have a pair of jeans you can borrow" you spend a full semester trying to make the members of the group accept you and then you come out looking and acting just like them and your faith is left laying somewhere and we can only pray and hope that you find it again.
I can honestly say I do not know one apostolic girl that has joined a sorority and left college still living for God. Now if you were able to be in a sorority and keep living for God I commend you! This means you are not a conformer and should be applauded! I for one haven't seen it happen here. Every semester I get excited because some apostolic girl will move on campus and I think I'm not going to be the only one but then the sorority life sucks them in and I can't relate to them anymore.
I am so thankful for my dear friend Ashley. This girl has taken a stand and she has never backed down. She is in the band. She even let's her faith show through that by refusing to wear pants when she marches. I love that girl!!!
That's all for now.
I guess my whole point is this: You CAN go to college and still live for God! You just have to guard yourself and not take part in certain things that are associated with college life.
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1 comment:
i saw you on Don's page and thought I would randomly show you some love :) since our thoughts are both "Random" may God bless you in all you do :)
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