Two posts in one day! Not normal for me I know but I had a thought that I wanted to write down. It's nothing profound I was just thinking on the drive home from church. I had K-LOVE playing and the song 'Who Am I" by Casting Crowns was playing. I then thought about something I recently heard someone say. They said that K-LOVE music just doesn't belong in the church. I understand where they are coming from but would like to share my own opinion on this. First of all I will quote my sister and say this I don't believe there is such a thing as bad music there are only bad lyrics. Second I will admit I hate it when I go to church and all that is sang is K-Love Music but I have never gone so far as to say that it doesn't belong in church becuase I have listened to some of those lyrics and felt God. I always hear people say they can't worship to k-love music and my response to that is maybe you just don't know how to worship. Ok perhaps that sounds a bit harsh but I'm reminded of a Matt Redman song that says "I'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required"
It then goes on to talk about the heart of worship. It's all about him it's not about how groovy the music sounds or how "easy" it is for us to worship to. In my opinion I shouldn't have to have a song to be able to lift my hands and tell God how incredibly awesome he is. But I digress. . . .
My point is stop and listen to the lyrics of some of these "k-love" songs. Listen as Matt Redman praises God because he "never lets go" of us. Think about the words of Third Day that encourage us to "Cry Out to Jesus" Or Aaron Shusts song that says My savior loves, my savior lives, my saviors ALWAYS there for me. To me these are some amazing lyrics that simply speak of how incredible God is. Again I don't think everything k-love plays should come into the church but I wish we could get past the I need something to make me feel like worshiping attitude. I love the fast loud apostolic music that I grew up around and yes I agree it's fun to praise God to but when I can open my mouth and sing a song about how great our God is I don't think it should matter what "style" it is. We shouldn't have to have black Gosple or southern gosple or songs from the song book just to have church. Our music shouldn't dictate our worship. I often find myself singing Holy is the Lord and I'll suddenly feel the Holy Ghost because God responds to honest praise. I've said it once or twice already but it shouldn't matter the style. It doesn't matter if I'm singing "My God is More than Enough" or "How Great is our God" or "How Great Thou Art" they all have the same theme. God is Great!!! God is amazing God is awesome! That is the whole point of praise and worship. He is everything to me. He's been my best friend and then some. He's provided me with everything I've ever needed!! I need to worship him in anyway possible it doesn't matter if it's running the asiles as I'm singing about the Joy of the Lord or weeping before God as I sing "Here I am to worship" Just because a song is contemporary doesn't mean I should throw it out and not give it a chance. Again it is my opinion that there are only bad lyrics not bad music. Stop and listen to the words you are singing and ask yourself if they really bring God praise. Honestly some of our "apostolic" songs are rather pointless but so are some of the "contemporary" songs that are out there. We sing a song called "why don't you come on in this house" and I still haven't figured out the point. The point one last time is IT"S ALL ABOUT THE LYRICS!
Ok I'm done!
Love you guys
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6 hours ago
Haha. Whenever we sing "Why Don't You Come On In This House" Tim's always like, "I'm already here!! Duh!"
I totally see where your coming and I listen to K-love. It is the lyrics that matter but the music does have an affect. There is some music that is sooo OVERpowering that you can't even hear or understand the lyrics. So at that point I think that the music does have an affect on the song!!! I have learned to enjoy ALL kinds of music!!! I like the new, the old and everything in between. As long as it glorifys God and I can understand the words coming out of the singer
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