As I was browsing blogs today I came across a good friends blog. She had linked to a website called Protest the Post. I understand the feelings of anger that many Christians are going through I just wish that people would realize that because we are in America with all our freedoms of speech, religion, and the PRESS we need to realize that things are going to be said and done that we don't like! It's one of the downsides to having so many freedoms!!! I posted a comment on the blog of Protest the post in which I reminded them that we aren't gauranteed freedom from being made fun of. Well here. . .I'll just paste a copy of my comment into this post.
Bryan I appreciate what you are trying do. You are practicing your constitutional right to protest something. It's in the bill of rights we like to call it freedom of speech. I myself am a pentecostal Christian so I found the part about Gov. Palin to be distasteful. The part that repulsed me was the fact that they put a curse word into the mouth of God. HOWEVER something that we often forget is that the same first ammendment that grants us freedom of speech also grants us freedom of the press. As ugly as it may seem the washington post had every right to post the cartoon.
Also in your blog you state the Washington post wouldn't run the cartoon about the muslims. However in that you are incorrect. I read the story in the link that you provided and here is a direct quote from that story.
"The installment did not appear in the Post's print version, but it ran on and The same will hold true for the upcoming Sept. 2 strip, which is a continuation of the plotline."
It ran just like the one about governor Palin ran.
There are really no laws against poking fun at anothers religion unfortunately. The first amendment simply states that Congress shall make no law to probit the free exercise of religion nor can they establish an official national religion.
Again I myself found the cartoon offensive. I just think that Christians need to grow some thick skin and perhaps turn the other cheek.
And that was my incredibly long comment to As I stated above our "freedom of religion" doesn't grant us protection from being ridiculed or made fun of. All the bill of rights is, is a limiter on the power of Congress not other people!
Americans have this view that the Bill of Rights protects them from other people when really it doesn't. It's all about power and limiting the power of the federal government. The Constitution wasn't written because the founding fathers thought Americans were just so darn special. . .It was written to prevent certain things from happening. It was founded on the basic principle that the central government shouldn't be all powerful. It was written in such a way to prevent one person or faction getting from too much power. That is all the constitution is about is power. It wasn't that the founding fathers thought that God wanted us to have these basic rights and freedoms because we are such an incredibly awesome country it was a means to dole out power and that my friends is all politics is. Politics under one definition is the process of deciding who gets what, when and how. The majority of the power went to the states not the federal government and the people felt that a bill of rights was needed to further limit the federal or central government.
My whole point is this: How can we scream and holler about our right to religious freedom and then protest the fact that the washington post is simply practicing thier constitutional freedoms? As my title asks: Why protest the post? Protest abortions or the death penalty or even a presidential candidate but not someone who is practicing their constitutional rights.
Anyway that is my humble opinion and I can certainly understand anyone who wishes to protest what the Washington Post has done.
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