I HATE it when I don't have time to blog it makes me sad!!!! I have a few minutes so I want to talk about somethings. First of all I'm sure you have all seen the horrible cartoon put out by the washington post that put a curse word in the mouth of God. Yes folks I am appalled by this!!!! The fact that they made fun of speaking in tongues honestly doesn't bug me all that much because people often poke fun at things they dont understand. The political scientist side of me says it shouldn't bother me however the apostolic tongue talker wants to get upset!!!! The debator in me wants to play devils advocate for just a moment though. This cartoon should make us stop and think. I've heard so many people gripe that they wouldn't have gotten away with such a cartoon about any other religion! It's discrimination!!! I hear all these things but then I ask myself is that really true?? How many jokes are there out there about the Baptists and the Mormons and the Muslims (especially the Muslims). Yes I am outraged that they disrespected God in such a way HOWEVER this is America folks and as much as we may not like the religions of other people it is their right to practice that religion. It is our duty as Apostolics to share the gosple truth with others but is NOT our right the squash the basic American right of freedom of religion. Ever since this cartoon came out and I felt the sting of having my beliefs poked at I have been very careful about the kind of jokes that I make. The flip side of that is this while it is my right to practice my belief I have to be ready to take a little criticism. Do I believe there is only one way to heaven YES!!! Do I believe that you MUST be baptized in Jesus name and receive the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues to go to heaven YES!!! I also realize though that not everyone shares my beliefs and I dont need to get all bent out of shape just because someone laughed at the fact that I wear a skirt and speak in tongues. Basic rights 101: WE HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! It is my basic right to stand up and say that I believe there is one God and Jesus is his name. However it is the right of the Muslim in America to stand up and say I serve Allah. Do I have to like it? NOOO Do I have to believe it? NOOOO However as an AMERICAN CITIZEN I do have to realize that it is his right to believe that. We are BLESSED to live in America where we have this right to choose our religous beliefs. Even though we have separation of church and state it's still ok for us to elect Christian leaders with strong moral values. I am in a class right now where we are learning about Europe. In Europe the idea of separation of church and state is even stronger than it is in America. The idea of a contemporary christian song making it's way into popular mainstream music is unheard of!! Not because they hate God or Christianity but because they think that your choice to be a Christian or to be religous should be personal and you shouldnt express it in government or mainstream media. In America we are encouraged to share our beliefs!!!! Instead of getting bent out of shape because someone made fun of our ways get over it and thank God that you live in this blessed country!!!!!!
Ok so that's me playing devils advocate to those of you who became outraged over the cartoon. Am I upset about it? Well yeah but not because it's making fun of pentecostals; people have been doing that for ages. I'm upset over the disrespect for God. Anyway my basic point is this: Do unto others as you would have them do to you! The next time you as a Pentecostal go to make a joke about the Mormans or the Baptists or whatever religion, remember how outraged you became because someone made fun of you speaking in tongues! The same goes for those of you who aren't pentecostal and may want to poke fun at someone who is.
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