Ok here comes another of my political tirades. I promise this one wont be long because it's 3:30 a.m. and I'm getting a bit sleepy.
As you all know I support Huckabee for President in the 08 elections. Of all the candidates out there I feel he is the best choice for President. Do I agree with everything he did as governor of the state I call home? No of course not. . .I don't agree with everything Bush has done but I still consider him a great president (I realize I'm in the minority here).
Here is another reason why I support Huckabee for President. . . .
The man has manners and the guts to admit when he's wrong. If you've ever watched political campaign ads you know they are often negative ads directed at why other candidates are bad choices. Facts get twisted and turned to one persons advantage and make the other people look bad. So far Huckabee's ad's haven't done that even though some ads have attacked him directly. Today Huckabee was due to release his first negative ad against Mit Romey. I must say that slightly dissapointed me as I hate the mudslinging in politics. Thankfully Huckabee redeamed himself by pulling the ad and ordering it not to be run. On top of that he comitted to not run negative ads against Romney or anyone else for that matter at least unti after the caucuses.
Anyway I'm off to bed now Hope you all have a Happy New Year and don't forget to get out and vote!
Why are conservatives so eager to play fashion police?
*Explaining the Right** is a weekly series that looks at what the right
wing is currently obsessing over, how it influences politics—and why you
need to ...
2 hours ago
1 comment:
Check out Mike at during this debate.
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