I'm sure that some of you are registered voters right? Well if you are a voter please think about what I'm writing about today.
How many times have you voted for someone just because you saw a campaign commercial that you liked about that candidate? How many times have you voted simply for a party?
I encourage you to do a little bit of research. If you plan on voting don't go to the polls uniformed. Take the time to research the candidates. Don't just look at their websites but look at things like blogs about the candidate both for and against. Look at their websites of course. Do a search and find out what kinds of bills this candidate has voted to support or not support in Congress. A candidates votes in Congress tells you where he or she really stands. If they are wishy washy in their votes then chances are they will be wishy washy in their campaign. Look for a candidate that CONSISTENTLY supports the issues that you believe in most. This is a democracy and it's all about what the majority wants. People think their vote doesn't matter but it does. People getting out and voting gives you a voice. However your voice doesn't have much of an effect if you don't vote in an informed manner!
Ok that's my lil soap box for the day.
Have great day!
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It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
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2 hours ago
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