Woohoo I'm actually going to start writing a real blog! I've done the myspace and facebook blog thing for a while now but that's not the same. I've attempted to do a blog several times before and it has failed. As you can see I've been a member of blogspot since November of 2006 but I'm just now getting my first post up in July of 2007. I probably wont post everyday but I'll write at least once a week. I hope that all my friends will link to me and read all my random little thoughts. Who knows you might actually learn something! Ok now for a question. I need one of you experienced bloggers to tell me how the devil I post pictures on this web site. I am a fairly intelligent person but I can't seem to figure it out. Your help would be oh so very much appreciated.
I don't know exactly what all I will write here probably a little bit of everything. I thought about posting some of the things I've written as far as poetry goes. Yes I love to write poetry. I'll also talk a lot about music on here. Music is my passion. I am always on the look out for some cool new song that I can sing or maybe use in one of my drama pieces that I love to do. I don't just limit my musical tastes to one genre either. I love everything from smooth jazz to opera to Southern Gospel and yes I even like some soft rock. I am a little strange but I also like the sounds of some of the celtic music. I am very eclectic in my music tastes. Anyway I'm sure most of you reading this know me so I'm not going to do the whole tell you all about myself routine. Check out my profile if you really want to know.
Thats all for now! Remember don't do anything I wouldn't do and if you do don't name it after me!
Trump is full of excuses as he tanks the economy
With the stock market tumbling, a weaker-than-expected jobs report last
week, inflation rising, and President Donald Trump holding the threat of
even wor...
12 hours ago
1 comment:
OK Baby Girl!! I'll be the first to post a comment. Bet you hoped it would be someone exciting. Well it's just yo mamma. Just want to say I am really proud of you and I hope all your dreams come true. But above all else, I hope you make right decisions that will lead you to heaven. Also, don't drive while talking on your cell phone and eating Taco Bell. I love you, MOM
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