You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape. So I'm pretty much just going to make this up. I got this as a random question today in my profile. So instead of just telling you how I escape I thought perhaps you might like to know the whole story of how I am talented enough to actually fall into a well.
I'm walking through a field by a house and somehow I have fallen into a well. This is partly because I am half blind and partly because I'm incredibly talented and only I could manage to fall into a well that has a stone wall built around it.
I land with a thud and I hear a noise it's some kind of animal. I reach into my pocket and pull out my trusty cell phone with the really bright back light so I can see what is in here with me. BILLY! There you are I exclaim. See the goat had dissappeared a few days before apparently the goat and I have a lot in common. . .oh boy this is getting scary.
Now I know your thinking you have a cell phone so why not call for help? Well like any good story the obvious means of escape never works out quite right and so I have no cell phone service down in the well. According to my service provider they are working very hard to expand their coverage area though!

I notice that on the goats horn thingy ma bob a slinky is stuck. Wait a minute! didn't I just throw that slinky away a few days ago? Hmmm Billy must have been playing in the garbage again.
This slinky is one of those mega huge slinkys that stretches for like a mile. Ok maybe I'm exagerating a little bit but you get the point right? It's also one of those metal ones that are really strong. The only problem is the slinky is majorly twisted.
I unhook the slinky from the goats horn and begin the tedious task of unraveling it. It takes me what seems like hours. Doesn't my family miss me I think to myself. It's got to be getting close to supper time because my stomach is making very loud noises and I think it's scaring the poor goat.
FINALLY I get the slinky unraveled. Then I hook it to the goats horn again. The goat still had his rope attached to his neck so I secured the goat to the wall of the well. Yes there was a place for that. It's a story ok? I can put whatever I want in my well. If I would have been thinking straight I would have included a well stocked mini fridge then maybe I wouldn't be so hungry. I grab the slinky and I hurl it towards the top of well hoping it will catch somewhere near the top. No such luck it comes crashing down and whacks me in the head. I try again and again. Finally on about my 5th try it gets caught on something near the top. I begin to pray that it will stay. I hop on top of the goat and then begin to climb up the slinky like it's a rope. At one point I think the slinky is going to break but apparently it's extra heavy duty metal so it doesn't. I slowly make my way to the top calling on Jesus the whole time. Really I don't think I've ever been so spiritual.
After I make it to the top. . I get some friends and we rescue billy. It was only then that it occured to me. Wait a minute I was just in a well but. . . .I'm not WET! Realizing that the well had been dried up for a while we boarded up the well so we wouldn't have this problem anymore.
Yeah yeah yeah I know it's a corny story but I had fun writing it and really can you think of anything more productive for me to be doing at the moment? Wait a minute don't answer that question please.
Hope y'all enjoy my silliness!
Love y'all
Bonzi, Great story! Like you said it's your story so you can make it go anyway you want. Reminds me of a time that Bro I.H. Terry came to preach and he told a western story. He said that he can make happen what ever he wanted to happen and make it end however he wanted to make it end because he was the author (of course he brought out how God is the author and finisher of our faith).
You know, I can totally see you falling into that well even if it does have a wall around it. Like you said you are half blind (lol). I can really believe the part about the cell phone having no service. That has happened to me a time or two as well (well - well - no punn intended ha ha). love ya, aunt Jolene
Thanks for taking the time to read my craziness!
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