Sunday, April 20, 2008

In a Rut

AGHHHH!!!!!! It's horrible. . .it's awful! I can't believe this has happened to ME!!! LoL it's really not that bad I'm over exaggerating again. But today I had a terrible realization. I who is always griping about ruts and the fact that I HATE routine have fallen into. . .A RUT!!!!!!!!!! It's true! I have discovered that I have become horrible predictable. It hit me when I walked into the cafeteria and the girl already had my plate ready because she knew EXACTLY what I would be eating. This really hurt because I have always been proud of the fact that I hate norms and traditions and anything mundane. I mean I hate driving the same route to wal-mart twice in a row! But somehow my days have fallen into a bland routine of boring predictability! SO. . .what should I do about it??? Well for starters I'm going to start eating something different in the cafeteria no more same ol same ol for me. And second off I"M GOING TO SCOTLAND!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO. Sorry I had to throw that in somehow. Perhaps I'll go on a music hunting rampage or change my wardrobe I don't know but I have to do SOMETHING! This predictable stuff is for the birds!

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My Trip to Scotland!