I haven't been blogging regularly. That's bad! I like to blog I just don't have as much time as I use to :(
I had a birthday yesterday! I'm 23 years old now. I'm glad that I'm still young enough to be excited about birthdays.
I've had several things that I've wanted to blog about but I haven't taken the time to do it. Sadly I don't write these thigns down so I can't actually remember what they were!!
Did I tell you that I went to Denton TX to look at the UNT campus? Well I did! My sister and I went up there a couple of weekends ago. I LOVED it!!!!! I think that may be where I want to go for grad school.
I was suppose to take the GRE next weekend but I'm not going to be able to. I'll have to take it in a couple of weeks.
I'm currently working with our schools student government to re-write our constitution. It's been a lot of fun but it's also been some hard work. It takes a lot of work to reform government at a student level. I feel sorry for our national leaders! I've discovered something about myself that will shock the pants off of most of you. I'm taking a class called contemporary political ideologies (it's very interesting so stop rolling your eyes) and guess what. . . . I'm . . . . a LIBERAL *gasp* No it can't be so! Me the hardcore republican that thought liberal was a bad word am classifying myself as a liberal.
And guess what . . . most of you republicans out there are liberals too and I think that's fuuuunnnny!!!
Liberal doesn't mean we like killing babies and taking guns away. It doesn't mean that we want to take the rich peoples money away from them and give it to the poor people.
Let me ask you this: how many of you agree with the famous line "all men are created equal" or that we have certain unalienable rights and that among this are "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
I thought you all would agree! Guess what . . . those come from a liberal!
Wow I have no idea why I'm blogging about this.
Liberals fought against two things when the ideology of liberalism first came about.
First of all they were fighting against religious conformity
Second they were fighting against something called ascribed status.
Religious conformity is exactly what you think it is . . . the state forcing people to adhere to a specific religion.
Ascribed status is basically the theory that whatever you're born into is the status you must remain for your whole life. There is no room for improvement or betterment. All men are not created equal under the theory of ascribed status.
Liberalsim means I want individual freedom as long as my freedom doesn't infringe upon your freedom. Guess what (I keep saying that) I can be a republican and still be a liberal at the same time. I think that is so awesome!
Now if you don't like calling me a liberal I guess you could call me an individualist conservative like Reagan or Margaret Thatcher and I'm totally cool with that because I like both of those people.
Now I have absolutely no idea why I wrote this except for the fact that I take great pleasure in shocking my family. (as if they actually read my blog)
I must reassure them though that I am still loyal to the republican party (sorry grandma) lol.
Yeah you guys can just ignore this rather odd little blog. I think it comes from not getting enough sleep or something. What do you think?
Republicans are back to playing dumb, as Trump does the unforgivable
Fearing the wrath of Dear Leader, congressional Republicans are either
refusing to comment on Donald Trump's disgusting pardons of violent Capitol
3 hours ago
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