Hey everybody! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted I've been crazy busy with school and everything. I can't believe it's only 2 WEEKS until finals!! I still have 3 papers to finish before then along with a few other little assignments on top of studying. I think I might go crazy! The good news is it's only 4 weeks from today until I go to Scotland!!! I am so siked about that! I plan on taking my lap top and hitting the internet cafe everyday while I'm there and updating this blog with pictures and stuff. I'll also check into yahoo messenger each day to let everyone know how it's goint. I can't wait to go!! We got our schedule for the 10 days we will be gone the other day and we are going to be BUSY!!! Anyway I need to quit procrastinating and get busy on papers. I'm going to update my other blog here in just a sec so check that out too!
Love you guys
How Republicans are making pathetic excuses for Trump's inflation
*Congressional Cowards is a weekly series highlighting the worst Donald
Trump defenders on Capitol Hill, who refuse to criticize him—no matter how
2 hours ago
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