When I was living in Crossett we often had an evangelist by the name of Bro. Proctor come and preach for us. Bro. Proctor was famous for stopping in the middle of his preaching and saying "I feel a directional change." We always thought it was kind of comical. A few days ago however I think I litterally experienced a directional change. I'll be quite honest it scared me at first and I'm still completely uncertain. I felt all of a sudden like God was completely changing the direction I thought my life was headed. This is scary for me because I thought I had my life all planned out and it's like God is saying "psst hey blondie I don't want you to go that way I want you to go this way!" The best thing I know to do in this situation is hit my knees and talk to God about it and then hop up and change directions to fit God's plan. While yes I may welcome some of the changes in my life I am a bit scared about some of what God may have in store for me. So anyway I guess I'm asking for you all to pray with me about this. When it isn't 2 am and I'm not half asleep I'll tell you a bit more about my situation. Until then keep me in your prayers.
Love always
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
1 hour ago
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