Hey everybody I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted. My life has been very busy as of late but it's been very good. Let me take a few minutes to tell you about it.
God has been good to me these past few months and He is drawing me closer to him everyday. Lately he has been opening the doors for me to witness to people on my campus and it's so awesome! I have been trying to start up a campus ministry and so far I haven't gotten that going yet but I have started a girls Bible study on Tuesday nights and it's been going really good. I'm excited about what God is doing.
Lately I've been driving home to Conway almost every weekend because I have met someone very special that goes to school up there. God is also working in that situation. Niether of us were really searching for anyone and it's like God just brought us together. I'm very exctied about what God is doing in our lives together and I can't wait to see where this road will lead us!
On top all this wonderful stuff I am taking 15 hours of classes and I'm working two on campus jobs so pretty much all my time has been consumed and I haven't had much internet time. . . .although I still have somehow managed to find time to check my e-mail and my facebook at least twice a day lol!
Anyway I just wanted to tell you all a little about my wonderful life. Things are going really good right now and I give all the credit to Jesus! I love you Jesus!
I hope that you all are doing well leave a comment and let me know!
Love you guys
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9 hours ago
Busy doing what? Him who? He who has been opening doors for you?
Oh you have time to check your e-mail and your facebook do you? Hmmmm I wonder why? Could it be because that certain someone is sending you messages?
I'm sure it's not because you are looking for any notes from rest of us out here. Ho hum!
oh well, love you anyways
auntie jo jo
Jo Jo his name is Jerald and he's awesome! He does open doors for me and yes he sends me a message on facebook everyday just to tell me I'm special! The best part about it? He LOVES God like nobody I've ever met. I always welcome messages and notes from my family bowever I rarely get them so why expect them *snicker snicker* I'm just teasing. I love you toooooo
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