I was recently talking to a good friend of mine about one of the classes he is taking this semester. He told me about a particular lecture about a word that according to the professor is the most powerful word in the world. What is this word you ask? It is the infamous f-bomb. That's right the f word according to a college psychology professor is one of the most powerful words in the world. I have to say that actually made my blood boil. Had my friend been able to hear my voice instead of just seeing me type there may have been just a little bit of anger in it. How is it that a word so obscene could possibly be the most powerful word in the world? Does saying the f word make you a bigger badder person? NO it makes you look like an ignorant person who needs to work on their vocabulary. While I find the word offensive that's not what made my blood boil. What upset me most is that people actually think that this word is more powerful than another word that I can prove is more powerful. That word is simply this. . . .Jesus.
Ladies and gentlemen when I say the name of Jesus guess what? Things are going to happen. It is a guaranteed thing. The only thing that happens when someone says the f word is it makes a lot of people uncomfortable and mad. The f word my friend never healed anyone of cancer or asthma. However I am living proof that saying the name of Jesus can do that. I once suffered from asthma I was on 6 medications and had to go to the hospital occasionally but you know what all it took to get rid of that asthma was the name of Jesus. That's right someone prayed for me and simply said something along the lines of "in the name of JESUS I command this asthma to leave" The name of Jesus strikes fear in the devil the f word can't do that. The f word doesn't save a soul from a sin sick world. . .my bible says that there is no salvation in any other name but the name of JESUS (Acts 4:12).
The Bible also says. . . In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:17-18)
I would like to see someone saying the f word do any of this.
When Peter was headed to the church to pray he met a lame man sitting by the gate instead of giving him silver and gold what did he do? He took him by the hand and said "In the name of JESUS" rise up and walk.
Forgive me if this comes across as rude or harsh or offensive, but if the f word is the most powerful word in the world why didn't Peter look at the man and say get the f up and walk?
Ok. . .ok I know that word wasn't around back in those days but do you see my point?
Jesus has always been and will forever continue to be the most powerful word/name/person in the world and I'm so glad he is in my life. I know that anytime I'm in trouble all I have to do is speak the name of Jesus and he comes running to my rescue.
Ok I'm done ranting now
I love you guys
have a blessed day!
Trump dodges recession talk as global markets plunge
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1 hour ago
Linking you....;)
Thank you for this post.
i must respectfully disagree. Though Jesus is indeed a powerful word, use of the Bible as proof is ridiculous since we do not know if he rle walked up to a guy, said "in the name of Jesus rise" and it worked. We do however know that the f word can inspire many more emotions than anger seeing as it has many more meanings than a simple insult (though it is most widely used as such). I can also say that the Professor is right. The F word is one of the most widely used words in the world and becoming a favorite. It is a word that can be interjected into any sentence, phrase or even another word and enhance the meaning (negatively and positively). "She is f'in beautiful!" and "Stupid f'in guy!" and "Un-f'in- believable" are good examples. And, not to undermine the word or the man, Jesus is just not that versatile. His name does not rle heal anymore than any other word. It is the person that does that. whether on their own or with anothers help.
I generally do not respond to Anonymous comments because I find them to be cowardly. However I will respond to this one. I have said this time and time again. I may not be able to "scientifically" prove the Bible to be true but too much has happened to me to negate the fact that it is true and real. I may not have been there when Peter said to the man at the gate "In the name of Jesus rise up and walk" But guess what I was there 5 years ago when someone laid hands on me and said in the name of Jesus be healed. Guess what I've never had another asthma attack since. I was also there when a group of preachers laid hands on a young woman with a broken leg and again they said "in the name of Jesus" and guess what she took her cast off and danced all over the church. The F word can't do that and the only thing it has the power to do is make me question a persons intelligence. Versatility is NOT the same thing as power but I would like to argue that Jesus is quite versatile because I can call on his name for ANYTHING that I need and I get an answer. Now that my friend is not only power but that is versatile.
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