Thursday, June 18, 2009

Priorities People!!!

So I was browsing through a few news websites this morning and I noticed something that just amazed me. Right now in the world today there exists problems with North Korea, an election in Iran that was probably rigged, Obama is about to try and mess up the health care system even worse than it already is, Americans in a terrible economic depression and I'm certain that somewhere in the world last night a murder took place. Do you know what the most popular story is on CNN? "Hillary Clinton Fractures Elbow." You can tell what Americans really care about here.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A bit of political ranting just for you . . .

So I haven't quite finished my London journal but I've been sick with strep throat since the second to last day of the trip. I'm safely back inside U.S. borders and I'm back to rolling my eyes at the latest headlines and political news breaks.

First of all lets talk about the Presidents date with his wife the other night. If you're upset that he took his wife on an expensive date that cost the taxpayers money GET OVER IT!!!! I mean come on people. First of all 24,000 is NOT that much money. It's less than a penny per tax payer. Second you do realize that it costs tax payers way more than that for a lot of transnational flights the president has to take on almost a weekly basis right? Second why the devil are people making such a big deal! Is he doing that good of a job that we have to find that small of a thing to gripe about? I've come to realize that we are in fact a nation of complainers.

Now let's talk about something that actually means something. GM announced their plans to file for bankrupcy. Big suprise there right? I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that the government will have a 60% interest in the country when the company is restructured. Yes I realize that GM was a major part of our nations economy so I don't dispute the need for government intervention but do we really need a majority interest? Basically Barak Obama now controls GM. People say it is neccessary and in a way I agree but I'm afraid this is just going to open the door for more and more government control in areas I feel the government needs to stay out of. What do you think?

I could go on and on but I'm starting to feel like total crap again. Hopefully the medicine the doc gave me today will start makin me feel better.

My Trip to Scotland!